Idaho NASA EPSCoR Collaboration Grant
The goal of the Idaho NASA EPSCoR Collaboration Grant program is to support new collaborations for researchers (faculty and/or students) to increase Idaho's research capabilities. Often, these types of grants are used to fund travel to research centers (e.g., a NASA Center, a National Lab, or a potential industry partner).
Maximum award amount: $5,000
Award duration: Up to 1 year, but usually less
Matching requirement: 1:1 (In other words, a non-federal cash or in-kind match equal to the amount requested from Idaho NASA EPSCoR.)
Who can apply? Researchers at Idaho institutions of higher education and their employees can apply for these grants.
Proposal submission deadline: On a rolling basis, but at least 45 days before travel.
Proposal Submissions will require the upload of the following 2 documents to the application linked below:
1. The Proposal should include the following (in a PDF file, 2 pages max.)
Brief abstract (250 words or less)
Project description: Include information on the location, the approximate dates of travel, the purpose, and the benefit of the travel.
Student involvement: Describe any student participation in this travel (if any)
Relevance to NASA and/or Idaho NASA EPSCoR: Describe how this travel relates to and/or would benefit NASA and/or INE
Budget narrative: Include a narrative describing the details of the proposed expenses and optional cost share.
2. The budget sheet:
A budget sheet for the travel in MS Excel - to be uploaded with the proposal.